“emulating” dies irae in general-language in the lyrics and/or in music?
A document from Amazonia, [175-]
Religious Music, general-language, jesuits, AmazonAbstract
An anonymous Jesuit translated Dies Irae to the general-language. He mentions that he imitated the latin song (“On the Final day, emulating Dies Illa”]. The aim of the interdisciplinary work between musical and linguistic history is to interpret whether the act of imitation indicated by the author in the manuscript would have been in the lyrics and / or music. Regarding the letter in general-language, the question is whether the Latin version remained as a matrix in the composition of the text in the general-language. Regarding the music, we sought to proceed with a prosodic analysis and an attempt to create a version of the initial verses on the Gregorian melody. For this, we considered the metric accents and their relationship with the high or high heights. The data point to the proximity between the structure of the text and the western constructions.
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